The Fellowship

I put The Fellowship together for you as a reminder of the massive value you provide to the world. Get access to The 21 Declarations—each Declaration comes with a video, essay, and PDF download.

A constant reminder of the value you provide.
Each Declaration in The Fellowship comes with:
  • A video
  • An original essay
  • A PDF download
“The Fellowship is the singular most focused, most distilled collection of wisdom that I’ve ever come across in the industry. It’s not only going to give you the professional confidence, it’s also going to reignite you to think about what it is that you want to accomplish with your firm.”

–Jeremy Walter, CFP®

(Free Preview) Declaration #1
When you buy The Fellowship, you get instant access to all 21 Declarations—including a video, essay, and PDF for each Declaration.
You help your clients define their goals—but who is helping you define yours?

Greetings, Carl here.

My guess is that you're really good at helping people define their goals and reach their financial dreams.

But what about you?

Are you creating the type of business you'd hoped for?

Are you working with clients you love?

My passion is helping people close the gap between their current reality and their dreams. That's why I created this—to help reconnect you to your values so you can get clear on the kind of business you want to build and then go do it.

Each day, you will get an email containing The 21 Declarations, essays, sketches, and videos designed to coincide chronologically with the lifecycle of a client. All to help you be the best Real Financial Professional you can be, from bringing in prospective clients to first and second meetings to keeping clients happy for life.

The Fellowship is for anyone who works with money and humans. It’s for experts and people just starting their careers. It’s for someone working at Merrill Lynch and someone just starting their own firm. If you’re reading this, you didn’t just magically stumble upon this page… chances are, it’s for YOU.

Read on, my friend.

Nuts and Bolts of The Fellowship
23-Day experience:
  • Each day for 23 days, you will get an email inviting you to dive into another lesson from The Fellowship. Can’t make it for 23 days straight? Don't worry! All the material is available the day you sign up. But I recommend consuming it slowly, like a delectable 23-course meal!
21 Declarations:
  • The heart of The Fellowship are The 21 Declarations—25 years of experience and 10,000 hours of conversations with financial professionals in 20+ countries, all distilled into 21 definitive statements (think: commandments) designed to reconnect you, step-by-step, to the values, confidence, and excitement you started with—and what you know to be true.
800-word essays:
  • Each Declaration of The Fellowship comes with a short, powerful, #allkillernofiller essay written by me and intentionally engineered to make you reflect on the bare essentials of the work we do as Real Financial Professionals.
5–10 minute accompanying videos:
  • Audio/visual learners rejoice! These accompanying videos add details to The 21 Declarations and shared essays, and (of course) include my signature brand of teaching: simple, elegant sketches to distill and clarify complex ideas.
2 CE credits:
  • Two CE credits are available through The Fellowship to U.S.-based CFPs to fulfill the annual Continuing Education requirements. After you complete The Fellowship, you'll have the opportunity to take an assessment to earn two CE credits.
$500 one-time fee:
  • No, that’s not a deposit. No, there are no hidden fees. No, there’s no monthly payment. Plain and simple.
No discounts:
  • Not for any of the people who have been through it before, and not for you. Discounts are a hiding place. And hiding is antithetical to what The Fellowship is all about!
Lifetime access:
  • Anytime you need to, you can return to the confidence forge of The Fellowship. We’ll keep it up for a lifetime—or as long as our tech and tools allow!
Frequently Asked Questions
How does this work?

Simple. Once you sign up, you will get an invitation to log in to an online Web Portal where all The Fellowship material lives. You will also receive one email a day for 23 days, with links to videos and essays in your Web Portal. You’ll interact with the content via email, video, written content, and downloads.

I’ve taken so many courses, but I usually get overwhelmed or stop halfway through. Why should I take this?

Because this isn’t a course. It’s the Anti-Course. It’s a credo, an initiation, a mindset forge, a philosophy. I’m not here to teach you tactics. I’m here to dig deeper than that, all the way to the bottom, to get to That Thing that allows those outside tactics to actually be effective in the first place.

Why isn’t this just a book?

Actually, that’s how it started out. At first, it was just a book. But countless financial professionals pleaded with me to make it something more than a book. Books are ubiquitous. We all have books. What financial professionals, just like you, told me they wanted was something bigger, something deeper, something that left them nowhere to hide. This isn’t just a book for the same reason that Christianity isn’t just the Ten Commandments and Buddhism isn’t just the Four Noble Truths. The 21 Declarations are just the start… the hard part comes next.

I’ve read all of Carl’s books. Is this anything new?

The short answer is… YES! As one alum said, “I’ve read Carl’s books, but this was still very useful.”

Is this made for people at a specific point in their career?

If you are new to the financial services industry, The Fellowship is especially right for you. Consider a ladder analogy. You may have already climbed one or two rungs. Wouldn’t you rather hop down and lean it against the right wall now instead of waiting until you’re five steps higher?

If you've been around the block a few times, this is for you, too. I’ve had grizzled, old veterans come up to me in tears saying, “I’ve been trying to figure out how to say that my whole life.”

I don't give advice for a living or work directly with clients. Does that matter?

The central focus of The Fellowship are The 21 Declarations of Real Financial Professionals. So whether you actually give advice for a living or work with, supervise, or train people who do, The Fellowship will be helpful.

There are alumni of The Fellowship who are mutual fund managers. The material helps them understand how they can help the advisors they serve to deliver better value to their clients, be more confident in the work they're doing, and reignite the fire in the belly again.

There are alumni of The Fellowship who are L&D folks at various firms. They use The Fellowship to help generate topics of discussion with the people they're training.

There are even firms that have taken groups through The Fellowship. If you have a study group every month, it can be challenging to come up with a topic. You can plug The Fellowship into a group discussion and review a Declaration each month to help provide a core curriculum on what it means to be a "human" and a Real Financial Professional.

How much does this cost, and is there a money-back guarantee?

The Fellowship costs $500. It’s a one-time fee. It’s not a deposit and not a membership. And no, there is no money-back guarantee. Why? Because The Fellowship is a community for the committed, and money-back guarantees are hiding places. If we give you your money back, it takes the burden of doing the hard work off you. We want you to hold yourself accountable. The whole point is to change the industry, and the world, by first changing ourselves.

Is it an investment or an expense?

If The Fellowship was an expense, we never would have created it. The Fellowship is a long-term investment in your future as a financial professional. That’s the whole point of it. But don’t take it from me, take it from The Fellowship alum, Jeremy Walter. “I went through The Fellowship, and I’ve described it to others as the single best professional investment that I’ve ever made into my career.”

What’s the time commitment?

That really depends on you. Each day for 23 days, you’ll get an email reminder telling you to see that day’s lesson. The lessons are intentionally short, so you don’t spend all of your time reading. This is not so much a textbook as a collection of parables. The point is for you to think about each day’s lesson, reflect on it, and then implement it into the way you do business. That said, all the material is available the day you sign up. So in case you can’t make it 23 days in a row, you won’t miss anything.

How long will I have access to this material?

As long as the internet exists! Seriously, once you sign up for The Fellowship, all the videos and essays are there for you in perpetuity. That means you can go through the content as many times as you want. We intend for it to be a touchstone whenever you need it, so when crazy things like pandemics happen and offices close, there’s always somewhere for you to come back to.

Is this a group?

Yes… and no. Yes, there is a group of us out there… inside The Society of Advice. No, The Fellowship itself is not a group experience insofar as everyone can go through the material at their own pace. Think of it this way: Whether you’re an independent RIA or work in a major firm in Germany or a bank in Australia, these principles will apply to you.

I run a team. Can I share this with them?

You are free to share the knowledge and insights you gain from The Fellowship with others at your firm. However, if you're finding that people are passing around a shared login, then it's time to purchase another seat.

So here's the deal:

Sharing knowledge = Great!

Sharing logins = Not so great.

“If you’re a helper, a professional, and a real financial advisor, consider The Fellowship. It was worth it to me! Thank you Carl Richards and team for putting this together for us.”

–Gregory Young, MSAFP, CFP®, EA, ChFC®, CLTC

“If ever we need reminding of our value, it’s during a crisis. When the world seems to be falling apart, Carl helped focus my mind and my business. The Fellowship was about more than giving great financial advice, it was about self-preservation.”

–Georgie Loxton, CFA®

“I'm almost finished with The Fellowship. I'm just floored by how insightful these are. With all the chaos of the past few weeks, these have helped get me back to what matters. Excellent job!”

–Dan Johnson, CFP®

Read more reviews of The Fellowship
I assume because you're here, you know about this thing that I built called The Fellowship.
I want to share with you one thought about why I built it:
The problems aren't getting any better.

All over the world, if you ask people to describe the way they're feeling about their relationship with money, the word they often use is “anxious.” We've got more news, more apps, more fancy-cool-kid-toys, more books, more podcasts than we've ever had before, and people are still feeling anxious. It's not getting any better for them.

The only solution I can find (believe me, I've looked) is the work of a Real Financial Professional.

The challenge is this: People don't know you exist.

I get hundreds of emails from people telling me as much. They don't know where to find you.

The only way that will change is if we raise our hands one by one and say, “Here, I made this thing. I hope you like it, it's for you.”

That thing is your process, your delivery, the way you give financial advice.

So the reason I built The Fellowship is to give you the ideas, the confidence, the energy, and a flag to rally around so you can raise your hand and say, “I'm here! This is real financial advice. And this is how I do it.”

That's why I built The Fellowship. And I have no doubt The Fellowship will help.

It will become a flag you can stick in the ground.

It will give you the confidence to make a difference.

It will remind you why you got into this business in the first place.

I hope you'll join us.